Thursday, December 20, 2018

Why Allah is NOT God

If Allah forgives sins just by saying "They are forgiven," then those sins are not punished.

That means that at the end of time, some sins will be unpunished.

Allah cannot, therefore, be infinite in his attribute of justice, because justice is not accomplished in those cases. Allah CAN be infinite in his attribute of mercy, but not justice.

If Allah is not infinite in some attribute, then he is finite in that attribute, and thereby less than perfect.

Further, Allah cannot punish Jews and Christians for those sins, because the Qur'an says "No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden for another." That is, no sinful person can bear another person's sins. Only a person who was completely sinless, like Jesus, could bear the sins of another. But you Muslims deny that He did.

The only reasonable conclusion is this: Allah is finite in at least one attribute, and thereby NOT God. The only person who COULD bear the guilt of your sins is the one person the Christians say DID bear the guilt of your sins.

Come home to Jesus. Turn from the idol worship of the black stone and come home to Jesus. He created you, He loves you, and He will forgive, because Justice has already been accomplished. Come home to Jesus.