Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What does it mean to say "Our God is a Jealous God?"

Think of it this way:  Your friend owes you $50.  He keeps telling you he will pay you, but every time you see him, he's got some new toy, some non-essential thing, that he's bought.  He could have paid you the money he owes you instead of buying this new thing, but he didn't.  

This is what it means when it says that God is jealous. We owe God absolutely everything... our money, our time, our very breath.  But we don't give it to Him.  We could, and we absolutely should, but we don't. 

This jealousy is not a failing on God's part, it's a recognition of what is right.  By failing to give to Him what we owe Him, we are the ones in the wrong.

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