God is infinitely merciful.
There's the contradiction. God cannot be both infinitely merciful, in that He has mercy on everyone, and also infinitely just, in that all wrongdoing is punished.
Justice and Mercy are, in some sense, opposites.
So how does God, who is both infinitely Just and also infinitely Merciful, maintain both of those qualities?
By punishing all sin, and by showing mercy to everyone.
Thus, the punishment for all sin was meeted out onto Jesus, who is God Himself. In this way, Justice is served. But mercy is also extended to all persons because now that justice is served, there is no need for further punishment. That's infinite justice and infinite mercy.
Now, you may ask, why does He send those who do not believe in Him to hell?

But God is the source of all goodness in all of existence. To be away from God is to be away from everything that is good. God doesn't send us to hell... God has gone to amazing lengths to save us from hell... even taking the punishment of our own sins onto Himself... but if we chose hell over a loving God, God honors our choice.
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